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Create stunning 3D environmental worlds and art assets.
Create and apply various texture maps.
Environment Artist at Tilted Mill Entertainment with 2 published credits
Artist at Rebellion Development
Multiple media company experiences in print and television
Proficient time management and people skills
Employment Authorized, Greencard holder
Software Skills:
3D Studio Max, Crazy Bump, EMotion Fx, Granny, Illustrator, MS Office, Mudbox, Perforce, Photoshop, Premiere, Source Safe, Torque, VBulletin
Professional and Relevant Experience:
April 2008 – Present: Freelance and Paternity Leave
- Player One Mobile – Mock up iPhone poker game graphics
- TCE Games – iPhone puzzle game graphics
- Paternity Leave
June 2006 – March 2008: Tilted Mill Entertainment, Framingham, MA, USA
- 3D environment artist – Worked on Sim City: Societies (EA – PC Nov 2007) Created over 75 buildings for the game, along with props, LOD's and animations.
- Destinations, released in spring of 2008. Created 30 buildings plus other assets.
May 2005 – 2006: Freelance
- Vigilant Entertainment – 3D Character artist for the Half Life 2 mod: Periculum, Science of Horror.
- Earthwave Studios - 3D Environment/Character artist and texture work for a multi user game including: FFS, RPG and racing elements. Experienced the “Torque” game engine
- Blue Ember Productions - 3D Environment/Character and texture artist for a MMORPG. Experienced the “Realmcraft” game engine
- PC’s For Maine – Voluntary work for a non for profit organisation that builds and distributes old computers for disadvantaged school districts in Maine. I did graphics work and built computers for the project.
2005 – 2005: MBNA America, Rockland, Maine, USA
- As a temporary worker – Sterilized 400 computer systems readying them for relocation
- Participated in the organization and grouping of hardware so that they could be relocated from the closed site to New Jersey, Cleveland, Belfast and for charitable donations.
- Discussed with Area Department IT Director – New hardware acquisitions which would lead to considerable financial long term savings
2004 – 2005: Relocation and Personal Study Time
- Gained relevant visa and relocated to Maine, USA
- Forum moderator for the largest British ex-pat website www.britishexpats.com
- Maintained technological knowledge through online tutorial work on current software
2003 – 2003: Yutaka Unipart Systems, UK
- Welder and machine operator for safety critical Honda suspension arms (Temporary)
July 2002 – July 2003 Travel and Life Skills, New England, USA
- Traveled around New England area of Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont
- Freelanced 2D and 3D artwork
- Intermittent voluntary work at pre-school, Casco, ME
2000 – 2001: Rebellion Developments, Oxford, England
- 3D Character and Environment Artist - Built background objects, equipment, weapons and buildings
- Texture Artist - Textured my models and other models and created texture templates for characters and UVW mapped model assets
- 2D Artist - Background environment artwork and UI
2000: VPTV Ltd, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England
- Administrator - Updated database for the Oxfordshire Media Forum and recruited new members
- Graphic Artist - Designed and created advertising materials for the “PC World 2000 Conference”
- Modeler - Created models of the conference layout
- Runner - Collected and delivered artwork and recordings around Oxfordshire and London
2000: Tom Dick and Debbie Productions Ltd, Oxford, England
- Graphics and Video Editing - Video editing and graphics for corporate videos and programs for Channel 6, the Oxford TV Channel
- Technical Support - Communicating with clients to ensure that products meet their requirements and that they are able to use the assets produced
Education: BA in Industrial Design and Technology (Honors), 1998-2002
Brunel University of West London, England
Modules taken include:
Application Through Design (Practical use of design theory, energy usage, PIC systems and the interface of those systems)
Contextual Design (Contemporary design issues and how design affects lifestyle)
Creative Methods (Ideation and creative thought processes and methods)
Design Integration (Design projects incorporating all aspects of design)
Design Studio (History of design, design concepts, ideas and design techniques)
Managing Product Innovation (Copyright/patent law/trademarks/intellectual property rights)
Technological Awareness (How and why products work and are manufactured)
Visual Studies, Graphics, Design, Drawing Systems, and Life Studies
Cherwell High School, Oxford, England 1996-1998
A-Levels –Equivalent High School Diploma
Design and Technology, Physics and Maths:-Applied and Pure
Miscellaneous Information:
- Greencard holder, able to work anywhere in the USA without sponsorship
- Languages - Japanese reading ability and basic spoken, basic German spoken
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